In Spanish, the word “when” can be translated as “cuándo.” It is used to ask questions about time or to inquire about the timing of an event or action. Here are a few examples of how to use “cuándo” in sentences:
- When will you arrive? – ¿Cuándo llegarás?
- I don’t know when the party starts. – No sé cuándo empieza la fiesta.
- Can you tell me when the movie begins? – ¿Puedes decirme cuándo empieza la película?
- He asked me when we should meet. – Él me preguntó cuándo deberíamos encontrarnos.
- Do you remember when we went to the beach? – ¿Recuerdas cuándo fuimos a la playa?
Remember that “cuándo” is specifically used for asking questions about time. In other contexts, “when” may be translated differently. For instance, when used as a conjunction in English, “when” is often translated as “cuando” in Spanish.