How to say when in Spanish? Guide to Saying it 100% Correctly

how to say when in spanish

In Spanish, the word “when” can be translated as “cuándo.” It is used to ask questions about time or to inquire about the timing of an event or action. Here are a few examples of how to use “cuándo” in sentences:

  1. When will you arrive? – ¿Cuándo llegarás?
  2. I don’t know when the party starts. – No sé cuándo empieza la fiesta.
  3. Can you tell me when the movie begins? – ¿Puedes decirme cuándo empieza la película?
  4. He asked me when we should meet. – Él me preguntó cuándo deberíamos encontrarnos.
  5. Do you remember when we went to the beach? – ¿Recuerdas cuándo fuimos a la playa?

Remember that “cuándo” is specifically used for asking questions about time. In other contexts, “when” may be translated differently. For instance, when used as a conjunction in English, “when” is often translated as “cuando” in Spanish.

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